Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
It is our goal to provide you with alternative, but healthy and safe, choices that will enhance your health and well-being. In addition to offering testosterone injection therapy for men, we are pleased to present BioTE® Medical Hormone Pellet Therapy for women and men. BioTE® was the right choice for our patients because restoring and balancing one’s hormones makes a significant difference in their quality of life!
BioTE® is safe and effective with no harmful side effects. If you have any of the following symptoms you may be a candidate for BioTE® hormone therapy:
• Depression
• Irritability, mood swings
• Extreme fatigue
• Difficulty sleeping
• Low sex drive
• Memory loss, mental fog, confusion
• Joint aches and pain
• Night sweats, hot flashes
BioTE® Medical Hormone Pellet Therapy has
been shown in research studies to:
• Reduce the risk of diabetes
• Reduce risk of heart disease
• Prevent and/ or improve bone mineral loss
• Prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
• Increase energy
• Increase lean muscle & bone mass
• Assist in weight loss
• Provide for an increased sense of wellbeing
Are you a candidate for natural hormone balancing? Would you like to improve your life, health and sense of well-being? Would you like to change & regain your life?

Biote testimonial